Price, Store Atmosphere, Experiental Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, Customer LoyaltyAbstract
One of the smartphone shops that is trying hard to strengthen customer loyalty after the Covid-19 pandemic is the Samsung Brandshop of BIS WTC Surabaya. The purpose of this study was to determine the mediating function of customer satisfaction on the effect of price, store atmosphere, and experiential marketing on customer loyalty at the Samsung Brandshop of BIS WTC Surabaya. Quantitative data obtained through a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire distributed to 100 respondents through accidental sampling technique were processed and analyzed using SEM-PLS analysis with SmartPLS software. The results of the study prove that there is a mediating function of customer satisfaction on the influence of price, store atmosphere, and experiential marketing on customer loyalty at the Samsung Brandshop of BIS WTC Surabaya. The role of customer satisfaction as a mediator is formed from the existence of a significant negative price effect on customer satisfaction, a negative although not significant price effect on customer satisfaction on customer loyalty, a significant positive influence on store atmosphere and experiential marketing on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, where Customer satisfaction itself also has a significant positive relationship with customer loyalty. It is recommended for further research to review the similar indicators between store atmosphere and experiential marketing, especially related to service, also examine the possibility of an experiential marketing mediating function on the influence of store atmosphere on customer loyalty.
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