Employee Performance, Work Motivation, Work Environment, Work Discipline, Logistic CompanyAbstract
Logistics services continue to experience significant expansion as redSeer data reveals that this business growth reached 100% during COVID-19 and peaked at 400% in September 2020. The development of logistics services is in line with the growth of e-commerce, which reached 69%, so ID-Express employees must work harder than usual. This study aims to reveal how employee performance is strongly influenced by the work environment, work discipline, and work motivation at the ID-Express Probolinggo company in East Java. Information from 32 ID-Express employees quantified through a Likert scale in an online questionnaire passed the outer and inner model tests in the SEM-PLS analysis. The research findings reveal that motivation is the most dominant constituent influencing employee performance. Even so, the work environment and discipline are still essential because they are huge. Further research is recommended to consider the age and gender of respondents as control variables.
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