• Raisha Rizqi Alif'ka Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang
  • Wa Ode Irmasari Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang
Keywords: Profitability, Solvability, Company Size, Audit Delay


This study aims to determine the effect of profitability, solvency, and firm size on audit report lag. The research population is transportation and logistics companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2019-2021 period. The sample in this study was obtained using purposive sampling method. The criteria that have been determined are that there are 20 companies that are the research sample. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that profitability, solvency, and firm size had no effect on the delay in audit reports.


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How to Cite
Raisha Rizqi Alif’ka, & Irmasari, W. O. (2022). EFFECTS OF PROFITABILITY,SOLVABILITY, AND COMPANY SIZE ON AUDIT DELAY. Ecosia International Conference, 572-580. https://doi.org/10.32815/ecosia.vi.62